Children and Young People

Kids & Youth

Every week at our Sunday gatherings we offer kids activities (0-11), either during the service as our Kids Church meets to explore a similar theme to the teaching or as part of our monthly All Age gatherings.

We also have a newly established church Youth group for 11-16s. We have joined with another local church (St Bart’s, Roby) to form this and we meet at Roby every week in school term time for games, food, and bible study.

For further details on either get in touch

Pre-school - Little Fishes

Every Monday and Friday from 9:30am -11:30am in the Community Centre, we have our toddler group: Little Fishes. Little Fishes is a group for parents, grandparents, carers and childminders and their pre-school ages little ones. It’s a chance for grown ups to connect and children to play, enjoy stories and snacks and everyone is welcome to come along and join in the fun.

For further details get in touch

Schools Work

Hope Primary is a purpose-built, joint Church of England and Roman Catholic school. It opened in April 2011. Hope serves the Church of England parish of St Luke & St Jude and the Roman Catholic parish of St Dominics. Members of the church serve as Foundation Governors. For more information please visit: 

We work closely with Hope and the staff and pupils, including their Chaplain, to sustain a weekly pattern of collective worship and additional support for the curriculum, specifically RE. We also have good links with Mab Lane Primary and Stockbridge Village Primary with whom we work seasonally to support collective worship and the RE curriculum, we also enjoy welcoming school groups into church so they can learn more about our role in the community.