

Our community centre is a central part of St Luke’s & St Jude’s and is attached to the main church building. We love supporting the local community by hosting groups and activities for people to access.

Below is a programme of the activities that take place:

Monday - Little Fishes Toddler Group, 9:30am-11:30am

Monday - The Dance Depot, 5pm-9pm

Tuesday - Slimming World, 9am

Tuesday - Pilates, 6:30-7:30pm

Wednesday - Slimming World, 9am, 10:30am

Wednesday - The Dance Depot, 5pm-9pm

Thursday - Lunch Club, 12pm-2pm

Thursday - Debt Referral & Signposting Service, 2pm-3pm

Friday - Little Fishes Toddler Group, 9:30am-11:30am

Friday - Slimming World, 5:30pm

Saturday - Slimming World, 8am & 9:30am

Sunday - The Branch Church, 1pm-3pm

Sunday - AA, 7:15pm (duration 1hr 30mins)

We also host surgeries for local councillors in the Yew Tree ward, for further details click here.

For more information about the centre contact 07706150824 or 0151 2816119

Big Help Project

We have strong links with the food clubs run by the big help project at The Drive on Finch Lane and The Community Hub at The Croft - if you need any support you can contact them here.

Or you can get in touch with us and we can try to help.

Signposting & Helplines

It may be that you are experiencing a moment of crisis in life and you need help from trained professionals. 

If you are experiencing violence or abuse, or think you might harm yourself, please do not hesitate to dial 999 in an emergency. 

If less urgent, you will get support from the following (and other helplines):

Domestic Violence hotline 0808 2000 247  

Samaritans 116 123   

Mind 0300 123 3393 

ChildLine 0800 1111  

Age UK 0800169 6565  

Always Room Inside (Whitechapel Centre)  0300 123 2041]